
Executive Peer Coaching

The role of leader can be lonely. Who do you seek out when you need support engaging a complex challenge? Who are your thinking partners? Who understands deeply the challenges of your role?

In partnership with Leadership Kitsap, we are excited to offer an outstanding opportunity to grow your leadership skills. This opportunity is open to all leaders with 2+ years of CEO/Executive Director-level experience.

Executive Peer Coaching Groups are cohort-based programs for the professional and personal development of leaders committed to creating a safe space for learning and collegiality. These facilitated dialogs use current work experiences as opportunities for learning. Group members share their unique leadership challenges and gain insight and accountability with the support, wisdom, and guidance of leadership peers from across the region.

Who is an ideal participant?

The ideal participant is someone who:

  • Has executive leadership experience.
  • Is open to learning with and being challenged by their peers.
  • Is curious about how to increase their effectiveness as a leader.
  • Is committed to meeting the requirements of the group coaching experience.
  • Can maintain confidentiality.

Cohort StructureWe create courageous learning spaces together. A group consists of 5-8 leaders from different organizations across the region. If your organization wants a peer coaching group with only your members, we can create a unique group for you.

  • Learn from diverse perspectives in psychologically safe, confidential meetings.
  • Two half-day in person meetings to launch and close the program.
  • Between those in-person meetings, meet virtually for 1.5 hours every other week for eight sessions. We can discuss the possibility of meeting in person if preferred by group.
  • Share leadership goals, create accountability, and explore individual and collective leadership challenges within this group of peer leaders.
  • Learn coaching skills to support yourself and your peers to aspire and achieve.
  • Explore leadership at the Self, Team and Systems levels, and introduce coaching frameworks that support us to work with our Inner Team, navigate change and engage conflict more effectively.

1:1 Leadership Coaching

In addition to the group peer coaching experience, you will meet individually with a leadership coach.

  • Assess your leadership with feedback gathered from a  Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) 360 assessment. Gain insight into your reactive and creative mindsets and that drive your behaviors.
  • Work one-on-one with an ICF certified Coach for six leadership coaching sessions, starting with your LCP 360 debrief.
  • Accelerate the impact of your leadership by identifying your One Big Thing–a leadership development goal that when achieved accelerates your growth and positively influences your organization’s results.
  • Learn about your Inner Team members by taking the Inner Team Assessment.

For more information about the program, please contact Doug Nathan at (206) 734-0097 or send us a message through the contact form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Executive Testimonials

“The experience was terrific. It really helps leaders unlock ways to coach and communicate with their team to release their creativity, commitment and results. I feel strongly that practicing coaching in our sessions helped me learn how to more effectively coach others in my organization with open questions--and not leading them to my answers! My leadership growth goal was to find more joy in my work and life. I learned to give myself permission to not be perfect and to accept messy. I even learned to put fun in my calendar. CEO’s need friends and colleagues to grow with on their journeys and that points to the power of these peer coaching group connections.”

Jay Christian
Fire Chief
Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue

“I highly recommend this Peer Coaching program. As a CEO, I found an instant sense of team and collaborative friendship. During the experience, my insights deepened as I learned from the shared challenges of my colleagues, my own leadership strengths and blind spots, and reframing my challenges into a more positive light.”

Monica Bernhard
Kitsap Mental Health Services

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