
Leading Through Change & Conflict

As a leader, you inspire change. And with change, you instigate conflict. How ready are you to lead others through that change and to productively engage the conflict?  If you were to lead more fully, courageously, authentically than you do now, what would you create?

In this course, you will gain insight into your reactive and creative competencies as a leader, learn and apply change strategies, and practice skills to engage others in productive conflict. Through a blend of training delivery followed by small group coaching sessions, you will explore these questions:

  • Who am I as a leader?
  • What is my relation to change?
  • What is my relation to conflict?
  • How do I scale my leadership?
  • How do I create a culture of learning?
  • How do I continue my leadership journey?

Cohort structure

  • This course can be delivered for intact leadership teams as well as for individual leaders within an organization.
  • This course can be delivered in person, virtually and as a hybrid learning event.
  • Each training module is supported by small group coaching sessions to deepen insights and apply learning to actual work situations.
  • Learn from diverse perspectives in a safe, confidential space.  Create a trusted community of practice by sharing your leadership goals, creating accountability, and exploring your individual and collective leadership challenges within this group of peer leaders.
  • You practice and model the behaviors that support you to scale your leadership within your organization.

Results from attending this course

  • Gain insight into how you see yourself as a leader and how others experience your leadership by taking The Leadership Circle Profile™ 360 (LCP) assessment.
  • With your LCP results, you’ll get a moment-in-time answer to the question: How are my behaviors and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?
  • Work with an LCP-certified coach to debrief your LCP report to clarify how you want to grow as a leader.
  • Create a Leadership Development Plan to identify a short-term leadership goal, clarify your leadership vision, and claim your infinite aspiration—how you want to show up at work and in your life.
  • Practice and apply evidence-based practices to your unique work situation.
  • Expand your network of trusted, strategic relationships with other leaders.
  • Strategically grow your ability to consciously create a sustainable organization.

Let's Connect

To learn more, please send us a message through the contact form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.